Saturday, 26 February 2011


Sorry for the lack of posts. This week has been both busy yet lazy. I've had an interview, nights out, organising stuff and being stranded oh and also a bit of a hefty cold so hopefully I'll be back on track sometime in the near future. Watch this space...

Saturday, 19 February 2011


Before (note pre-straightened unstyled hair)

Went into ''town'' last night (it was about the best night out I could afford right now). Definitely needed some drunken laughs. Couldn't resist taking a vain webcam shot of my face before the makeup got smudged all over my face. Feel a bit rough this morning, well afternoon now! Sadly there's nothing greasy and tempting in the house for me to eat to get me feeling better. I might put some more pictures up later if there are any ''suitable'' ones that appear on good old Faceyb.

To be continued...

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Pale ting

 I hate my camera. For some reason unknown to mankind my pictures are turning out grainy and very disappointing. Bit of a film effect going on. My hair is hideous today but whatevs. On a better note I managed to get my nose ring in, I tried a couple of weeks ago and it seemed impossible but today it went in as easy as anything. My top is from Primark, as are the very ancient shades (I know it's not sunny but who cares?) The camel trousers that you can barely see are Miss Selfridge. I was going to take a shot of my rings but they aren't that exciting so it doesn't matter :P Bonsoir!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

I will always be the sun and moon to you

Firstly I'd like to get a few things out of the way. First outfit post, yeah wow haha. I've been faffing around with my tripod for a long time and there was no hope, so I've been wondering for ages what I could rest my big bulky (and really shit) camera on, and then I looked at my printer ontop of my drawers in my room and bingo. I wasn't after perfection and this was the best I could hope for. Secondly I'd like to point out how shocking these images are. I'm not exactly sure why my camera is so awful but there you go. Also, I am aware of how awkward I look in these but nevermind. Lastly, I'm trying to grow my fringe out because I can't be bothered with the upkeep so I'm having difficulty trying to make it look nice whilst keeping it out of my eyes. Any suggestions? Apologies done, now onto my attire:
Oversized chiffon shirt: Primark
Rust tunic: George @ Asda (Came with a free belt)
Textured mini skirt: Miss Selfridge
Belt and Tights: Primark

Thursday, 10 February 2011


Rusts, tans, camels and deep blushes. These are the colours I'm on the lookout for at the moment. I've been doing a bit of internet-window-shopping and typically whenever I really can't afford to spend there are a dozen things I want to buy (and when I do have money, I can never find anything I really want!)
I'm a big fan of plain staple pieces in this season's shades, they can be so versatile and can be put together with all kinds of different outfits. I really like Topshop's sleeveless shirts (like top right) and if I could, I'd have one in every colour. Then there are these floral sleeveless chiffon shirts I spotted from Miss Selfridge, I think the darker one is my favourite. The camel skirt is from Ark which is also available in black and burgundy, and yeah I'd buy all three of those too, they're really pretty. Finally, those wedges - I think I really need those (or maybe a slightly cheaper alternative to suit my budget) for summer, I think I'll be able to justify buying them with the fact that I think they'll go with a lot of things.

I now realise that making a wishlist is unhealthy, it's made me need to buy these things even more!

Monday, 7 February 2011

Don't mean to be giving the camera evils but my smile just wasn't working today. It's just one of those daaaaays... you know. Yeah so I went into Manchester yesterday for a bit of a shop, we were mainly supposed to be going to China Town to see the Chinese new year celebrations but I used it as an excuse to have a browse binge round Primark. I say browse but I had a bit of a minor heart attack when I got to the till. Always the way, you think you're putting in things at a good price (though I have to say it's getting more expensive) and then it all adds up! I didn't get that much but I still treated myself. I intend to do a post showing the stuff I bought, just incase anyone's interested ;) In fact, you can just about see the playsuit I bought in that photo. So yes, I will try to be a better blogger...

Saturday, 5 February 2011

It's not fair

I randomly found myself watching Lily Allen's Not Fair video the other day (as you do...) and not only do I love this video for it's resemblance to Dolly Parton's Jolene video (ha I love this song, bit of a guilty pleasure), or for the awesome jumpsuit Lily wears, but for her hair! I found myself lusting over the length and the bluntness of her fringe so much that it made me want to get extensions just to achieve the perfect length and thickness. I'm trying to grow my hair to a decent length, its just about resting on my bosoms at the moment, but I find that the ends get too ratty no matter how many trims, and my hair isn't quite as thick as I'd like it to be! I didn't really like the idea of having extensions, it just made me think of being back in year 10 or 11 with the 'chavier' crowd gluing them in and getting bald patches from removing them, but I'm definitely looking into getting some, though I think I'll just stick to clip ins ;)